Ziel ist es, dass die Kinder Spaß haben und etwas Positives mit nach Hause nehmen können
Die Kinder werden anfangs entweder als kleine Gruppe oder einzeln mit einem unserer TeddyDocs bekannt gemacht. Diese oder dieser TeddyDoc begleitet dann die Kinder mit deren Kuscheltier durch einen Stationenbetrieb. Gestartet wird bei der Anmeldung und der Anamnese, um das Kuscheltier einmal näher kennen zu lernen und danach geht es weiter über Labor, Radiologie, Apotheke, und viele weitere Stationen, bis man dem Kuscheltier eine Diagnose geben kann.
All das geschieht in spielerischem Umfeld, um es den Kindern möglichst lustig aber auch informativ und interessant zu gestalten!
Here we welcome the child and his cuddly companion.
Waiting Room
The waiting area in the teddy bear hospital is slightly different than the one in an actual hospital, because here the children are allowed to paint, have a drink and have a little snack.
Where can you hear the heartbeat?
Can your Teddy Bear see well? How much does your Teddy Bear weigh?
Can your Teddy Bear hear well?
TeddyDoc and the child get to the bottom of these questions together.
What is an x-ray machine?
What does one see with an ultrasound device?
At radiology, the children examine their cuddly patient using an X-ray machine, CT and ultrasound. The first steps of the diagnosis are made here.
Dental Clinic
Your Teddy Bear has toothache?
We have a solution for this too! The dental clinic will explain how to properly brush your teeth and what could be the reason for your cuddly patient's toothache.
The children can find out more about the health of their Teddy Bear at even more mini-stations.
Dental Clinic
Your Teddy Bear has toothache?
We have a solution for this too! The dental clinic will explain how to properly brush your teeth and what could be the reason for your cuddly patient's toothache.
The children can find out more about the health of their Teddy Bear at even more mini-stations.
"Dr. O-bear, you are needed in the operating room!"
Here the children assist Dr. O-bear during his operation on the teddy bear. At this station, we focus on relieving fears of surgery.
"Dr. O-bear, you are needed in the operating room!"
Here the children assist Dr. O-bear during his operation on the teddy bear. At this station, we focus on relieving fears of surgery.
"Das Spielzeug an sich ist Nebensache, die phantasievolle Beschäftigung damit ist alles"
Peter Rosegger